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Monday, February 25, 2008

Posting 3

Hi everyone! Today, I am going to talk about 5 animals which I find interesting.

1. Cockroaches

The cockroach can hold its breath for a maximum of 40 minutes! It can also live without its head for a week. It will die soon later as it has no mouth to drink or eat. Also,their sense of smell is so great, they recognize family and friends by their distinctive odors. Cockroaches can run up to three miles in an hour. There are also many other 'weird' facts about them. Female roaches attract male roaches by producing pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that make the female roach smell REALLY good to the male roach. Some female cockroaches mate once and are pregnant for the rest of their lives.

2. Killer Whales (Orca)
Killar whales weigh 8 tons. it hunts everything which include fishes, walruses, seals, sea lions, penguins, squid, sea turtles, sharks and other types of whales. A killar whales diet varies according to the season. An average killar whale eats 227 kilograms of food a day. Their 45 teeths measure 7.6 centimeters each and are shaped for ripping and tearing prey. The killar whale's white underbelly, white in colour helps it to camouflage into the surrounding.

3. Emperor Penguins
Emperor penguins spend the winter on Antartica's open ice. They are the largest species of penguins. To overcome the freezing temperatures and wind of the Antarctica, they clump in huge masses, taking turns to move inside where they are protected from these whether conditions. Emperor penguins breed in winter, unlike most birds which breed in springtime. The females lay one egg the leave taking off to the open sea 80 kilometers away. The fathers will then balance on the egg with his brood pouch covering it for 65 days without food. The mothers will return with food when the chicks hatch. Now it is the mother's turn to take care of the chicks. If the chick does not stay in a warm spot it could freeze to death in just as short as 2 minutes!

4. Snowy Owls
You should know from their name, they are white in colour. Male snowy owls are whiter and slightly bigger than females. They hunt for animals like rodents, rabbits, birds and fish. These owls have excellent eyesight, but when their prey is hidden deep under the snow, they will use another sense, hearing. they are active during the day, especially during summer.

5 .Loggerhead Sea Turtles
The majestic animals of the sea, they got their name from their oversized head.The head of these turtles resemble a big log. This explains the origin of their name. Loggerhead turtles have powerful jaws which are used to crush their dinner that come with hard shells. Loggerhead sea turtles also feed on softer animals such as jellyfish. A female loggerhead generally nests every two to three years. After mating, the female loggerhead would travel over a thousand miles to return to the beach where she hatched as a baby to lay her own eggs. Loggerheads live in oceans all over the world except the coldest seas. Even with its mass population, loggerheads are threatened by many things, including predators, pollution, human development which destroys their habitats.


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